CKD Associated with T2D

Understanding Albuminuria

Understanding Albuminuria

​​Albuminuria is associated with increased CV and renal risk and is an important marker for the early diagnosis of CKD associated with T2D.​

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    Albuminuria and Early Diagnosis

    Albuminuria is a crucial component of early identification and diagnosis of CKD associated with T2D.

    Clinical Diagnosis of CKD in a patient with T2D

    Persistent change in either or both of the following for ≥ 3 months1
    Elevated Albuminuria 1

    UACR ≥ 30mg/g 
    Marker of kidney damage2
    Reduced eGFR1

    < 60mL/min/1.73m2
    Measure of kidney function2

    Clinical Diagnosis of CKD in a patient with T2D

    Persistent change in either or both of the following for ≥ 3 months1
    Elevated Albuminuria 1

    UACR ≥ 30mg/g 
    Marker of kidney damage2
    Reduced eGFR1

    < 60mL/min/1.73m2
    Measure of kidney function2

    Albuminuria and Cardiorenal Outcomes​

    Albuminuria is associated with increased risk of CV events and CKD progression.​

    Click for information on HF outcomes associated with albuminuria​

    UACR Testing and Guidelines​

    Both UACR and eGFR should be used to guide CKD identification, monitoring, and appropriate management. 

    Guidelines recommend UACR to test for albuminuria in addition to eGFR at least annually in all patients with T2D starting at diagnosis

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    ADA, KDIGO, and AACE Guidelines

    Recommend using both eGFR and UACR to properly identify, stage, and monitor CKD
    in patients with T2D, as eGFR alone may miss the earlier stages of CKD1,6-8

    Click for more information on impact ​of albuminuria reduction on outcomes​

    ​Burden of Albuminuria​

    Increased albuminuria in patients with T2D burdens both the patient and the healthcare system.


    higher costs for patients with UACR ≥30 mg/g ​
    compared to patients with UACR <30 mg/g 

    Click for more information on the burden of albuminuria